1. Data Controller
    For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, the data controller is Patrigest S.p.A. with registered offices in Via Bernardo Quaranta 40, Milano, Tax Code 04508760156 (the Data Controller).
  2. Collected data.
    Your personal data – collected from the curriculum vitae you provided through the web page https://www.abacoteam.com/en/work-with-us/  (hereinafter referred to as Data) – is exclusively required for the selection procedure of candidates for any internship or employment with the respective Data Controller.
  3. Legal basis and purposes of data processing.
    The legal basis of Data processing is the implementation of pre-contractual measures on the data subject’s request.
    The Data will be exclusively processed for the purpose of the selection procedure of candidates for any internship or employment with the Data Controller.
    It is compulsory and necessary to provide the Data for the aforementioned purposes. Any full or partial refusal to provide Data will not allow the Data Controller to follow up the request to implement the pre-contractual measures on the data subject’s request and perform the selection procedure for any internship or employment with the Data Controller in relation to which the Data is collected.
  4. Processing modes.
    Data will be processed by the Data Controller’s employees and/or collaborators specifically designated as persons authorised to data processing (i.e., by way of example without limitations, the persons responsible for human resources, legal affairs, administration and IT) or data processors, whose names are made available on request to be made to the Data Controller.
    The Data Controller and third parties used by the Data Controller process Data through manual or digital or automated processing tools, for strictly related purposes, retaining it in servers and/or archives within the European Union and in any case in such a way to guarantee Data security and confidentiality.
  5. Data recipients.
    Data will be processed by the Data Controller and subjects designated by the same and may be notified to third parties only whenever it is necessary for the performance of the activities as per the foregoing article 3.
    The Data recipient third parties may process it as independent third party data controllers or data processors duly designated, as the case may be.
    The full list of the Data processors is kept at the Data Controller’s registered offices and is available for consultation at the addresses specified under article 8 below.
  6. Data disclosure
    Data shall not be disclosed.
  7. Data retention period
    Data is processed only for the time strictly required to pursue the purposes for which it has been collected and, in any case, no longer than 6 (six) months from the date of the CV reception.
  8. Rights of the data subject.
    The Data subjects are entitled at any time: (I) to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of their personal data; (II) to know the purposes and terms of data processing, the recipients of such Data, the data retention period; (III) to obtain personal data rectification or erasure and, if applicable, restriction of processing; (IV) to object to processing; (V) if applicable, to receive their personal data provided to the Data Controller in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and send it to another data controller without any impediment by the Data Controller; (VI) to file any complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority.
    The aforementioned rights may be exercised at any time upon request, to be sent to the Data Controller:
    – by e-mail to privacy@gabettigroup.com or
    – by mail to: Via Bernardo Quaranta 40, Milano, to the attention of the Legal, Corporate and Contract Affairs.