Certifications & Membership

The values of sustainability and social responsibility have long since assumed the role of guiding elements for the evolutionary path undertaken by Abaco in recent years. Today they are considered key factors in the company’s current strategy.

With this vision, Abaco has always shared these principles with its employees and disseminated them to its partners and to the community in general, through adoption of the main Certifications issued according to the voluntary international standards and the implementation of measures aimed at:

  • encouraging the dissemination of knowledge of new business models and more sustainable ways of carrying out our activities;
  • developing innovative services that generate positive results not only for our clients’ projects and activities, but for our stakeholders, the community and the surrounding environment as well.


UNI 11558:2014

Tutti i nostri Periti Valutatori sono certificati ai sensi della norma UNI 11558:2014 che definisce «i  requisiti  di  conoscenza,  abilità  e competenza del valutatore  immobiliare allo scopo di una corretta determinazione del valore degli immobili a tutela  delle scelte  del consumatore, della trasparenza  del mercato, e della professionalità degli stessi operatori».


Il Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is a professional body that accredits professionals in the real estate, construction and infrastructure fields worldwide. All services provided by Abaco Team S.p.A. are provided in accordance with RICS international standards.

ISO 45001

Abaco Team S.p.A. and Abaco Engineering S.r.l. adhere to ISO 45001:2018 standard for Workers’ Health and Safety Management System

ISO 14001

Abaco Team S.p.A. and Abaco Engineering S.r.l. adhere to ISO 14001:2015 standard for Evironmental Management System

ISO 9001

Abaco Team S.p.A. and Abaco Engineering S.r.l. adhere to ISO 9001:2015 standard for Quality Management System

UNI/PdR 125:2022

Abaco Team S.p.A è certificata UNI/PdR 125:2022 per il  Sistema di Gestione per la Parità di Genere.



Circular 285/2016 Transposition of ECB supervisory regulations in the area of valuations of real estate pledged as collateral for exposures.


« ABI guidelines for the valuation of real estate securing credit exposures.” Abaco Team is a permanent member of the Working Table at ABI.


Standards promoted by The International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC)



The Gabetti Group is a member of the T6 association, the Observatory that promotes, coordinates and disseminates the culture and study of real estate executive procedures.


Abaco Team S.p.A. supports AREL- Associazione Real Estate Ladies, a gender association oriented to the development of professionals engaged in frontline and in roles of responsability in the real estate market. Micaela Musso, General Manager in Abaco Team S.p.A., is a founding member and President since 2023.


Abaco Team S.p.A. hairs the Real Estate Services Committee, which includes a specific Working table on credit services.


The global professional standards promoted by RICS as set out in the ‘Red Book’ manual  published by RICS. Abaco Team S.p.A. is an RICS Registered Firm. Abaco Team Managers hold the RICS Registered Valuer qualification.

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